Part 4:  “Falling Squares of Light” in Levittown, PA – Scientific Research

“This seems to be physical evidence of very thin energy beams
only 1/10th of a millimeter wide, probably of a microwave nature,
that caused these straight line lesions in the leaves. ... I’ve never seen
anything like this before.”

- Biophysicist W. C. Levengood

Arrow points to unusual reddish, thin, straight line on one of the sampled silver maple leaves exposed to the Levittown aerial object's glittery light energy. Image © 2008 by W. C. Levengood.
Arrow points to unusual reddish, thin, straight line on one of the sampled silver maple leaves exposed to the Levittown aerial object's glittery light energy. Image © 2008 by W. C. Levengood.
Left: “Boomerang” version of mysterious aerial object that morphed into middle pink-colored disc. Right: The pink disc then flashed three oval, white lights on its bottom surface and “little squares of light” dropped like snow onto apartment yard and privet bush. Half a dozen sightings April through July 2008, Levittown, Pennsylvania. Image and drawings by resident and eyewitness.
Left: “Boomerang” version of mysterious aerial object that morphed into middle pink-colored disc. Right: The pink disc then flashed three oval, white lights on its bottom surface and “little squares of light” dropped like snow onto apartment yard and privet bush. Half a dozen sightings April through July 2008, Levittown, Pennsylvania. Image and drawings by resident and eyewitness.
Privet bush about 15 feet high grows next to eyewitness's apartment back door in Levittown, Pennsylvania, where “little squares of light” first fell on June 12, 2008 - and two more times in July 2008 - from a pink-colored aerial disc and surrounded the privet bush and a silver maple tree about 65 feet away. Image © 2008 by Robert Gardner.
Privet bush about 15 feet high grows next to eyewitness's apartment back door in Levittown, Pennsylvania, where “little squares of light” first fell on June 12, 2008 - and two more times in July 2008 - from a pink-colored aerial disc and surrounded the privet bush and a silver maple tree about 65 feet away. Image © 2008 by Robert Gardner.

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April 1, 2011 reprint of November 17, 2008  Grass Lake, Michigan - The biophysical and biochemical research by biophysicist W. C. Levengood continues with this laboratory report about somatic leaf growth anomalies in privet bush leaves exposed to energy dispersed from unidentified aerial craft over Levittown, Pennsylvania, apartment three times on June 12, July 10 and July 16, 2008.


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