Will 2013 Solar Max Be Half the Size of Solar Cycle 23?

“This Solar Cycle 24 at best is going to be half as big as Cycle 23!”

- David Hathaway, Ph.D., NASA Solar Physicist

Huge, twisting coronal mass ejection (CME) erupting thousands of miles into space. If powerful CME's unleash a path of solar particles headed straight for Earth, then satellites, communications, air traffic and power grids can be affected - even brought down. How big will Solar Cycle 24's Maximum be in 2013? Image by SOHO.
Huge, twisting coronal mass ejection (CME) erupting thousands of miles into space. If powerful CME's unleash a path of solar particles headed straight for Earth, then satellites, communications, air traffic and power grids can be affected - even brought down. How big will Solar Cycle 24's Maximum be in 2013? Image by SOHO.

April 1, 2011  Huntsville, Alabama - In the March 3, 2011, issue of the journal Nature, astrophysicist Dibyendu Nandy from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research in Kolkata, published his theory about why there was such a long, spotless Solar Cycle 23 minimum that broke a century of records. Dr. Nandy built a computer simulation in which “the fast meridional flow in the first half of a solar cycle, followed by a slower flow in the econd half, leads to a deep sunspot minimum, effectively reproducing the Cycle 23 minimum the sun underwent.”


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