Part 3: Military Transport of Aztec Disc for Scientists to Study

“Flying object of unknown origin recovered near Aztec, New Mexico. Craft approximately 100 feet diameter, 30 feet height, one window port blown, bodies on board.”

- 1948 Telex from Camp Hale, Colorado,
to Army Intelligence, Washington, D. C.


Return to Part 1.

April 29, 2011  Charlotte, North Carolina - In his 1986 book, UFO Crash At Aztec: A Well Kept Secret, William Steinman describes in detail how military and government authorities were alerted that a large disc was on a mesa in Hart Canyon twelve miles northeast of Aztec, New Mexico. On Page 45, he states: “A telex was sent to Headquarters, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 (Army Intelligence) in Washington, D. C., from Camp Hale, Colorado, describing the craft and the recovery operation. A copy was transmitted to Counterintelligence Special Headquarters at Pope Air Force Base, within the Fort Bragg Complex in North Carolina. Captain Virgil A. Postlethwait, with the Counterintelligence V-Corps along with his Air Force Counterpart, Captain Donald A. Broadus (A-2), handled this TWX, which went as follows:


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