“The ‘Chinese desert disc’ - some people are comparing it to the Wilton Windmill 2010 crop picture, which shows a series of concentric rings, each coded in-to-out radially in 8-bit ASCII.”
- Horace Drew, Retired Geneticist, Sydney, Australia
“I am a retired engineer doing research with Google Earth. I analyzed image of the ‘Chinese Airport.’ The total outside perimeter of the left (west) airport is 22,360.6 feet, somewhat precisely the square root of 5.
The outer perimeter of the dark section is 22,360.6 / 16 / A where A= E -1 = 1.718281828, the fractal portion of natural log base E. I seriously doubt anybody in modern times would design anything like that.”
- J. D. Branson, World-Mysteries.com
November 19, 2011 Dunhuang, Gansu Province, China - The first images called “China's Area 51” began circulating on the internet and in emails around November 7, 2011. Speculation was they might be geometric targets for satellite calibration. But others argue there are unusual mathematical relationships in the 20-mile wide terraformed complex. The location of the mysterious shapes are southwest of Great Gobi Desert A, Gansu Province, surrounded by a vast region of unpopulated land. Mongolia is to the north and the nearest town is Dunhuang, established in 111 B. C. as a frontier garrison outpost by the Han Dynasty Emperor Wudi. Today's population is 188,000.
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