CIA Manipulation of Hollywood Productions About UFOs: Part 1: Hangar 18 in 1980

“Kelso has deciphered the aliens' language. This is a translation of a document found aboard the spacecraft. Now this translation is very rough and is incomplete, but if what we can read is true - and there is no reason to doubt that it isn't - then all of the previous information we have had about the origin of mankind and the human race is absolutely false. ... This is a report of a previous visit of the spacemen to Earth. This report speaks of the capture, the training and the use of certain animals as slaves - both male and female. The slaves worshipped them as gods. Then what they refer to as ‘animals,’ were pre-humans. The report also speaks to the fact that the female slaves found it a great honor to  be chosen to live with  and bear the offspring of the gods. So, you see it is no coincidence that the spacemen are almost identical to us. It is not a case of two species developing, evolving independently of each other. Those ancient spacemen altered forever our evolution. They are the missing link! ...We, mankind, the human race, are their children!”

Hangar 18, produced and released July 1980
by Sunn Classic Pictures; spoken by actor Darren McGavin

Hangar 18, produced and distributed by Sunn Classic Pictures in July 1980, a Hollywood production company established by the Schick Razor Company, originally headed by Patrick J. Frawley, Jr., a member of the American Security Council (ASC) along with General Nathan Twining, who was listed on President Harry Truman's MJ-12 group of insiders monitoring E. T. interactions with Earth. Another member of the ASC was General Douglas MacArthur, who made statements in the 1960s about anticipating planetary wars. Also on the ASC Board with Frawley was James Jesus Angleton, head of CIA counterintelligence from 1954 to 1975. Frawley was also a member of the Knights of Malta whose members over the past decades have included CIA managers such as William Casey, John McCone, George Bush, Sr., and Wild Bill Donovan. Theatrical release poster © 1980 by Sunn Classic Pictures, Inc. To view movie, see Websites below.
Hangar 18, produced and distributed by Sunn Classic Pictures in July 1980, a Hollywood production company established by the Schick Razor Company, originally headed by Patrick J. Frawley, Jr., a member of the American Security Council (ASC) along with General Nathan Twining, who was listed on President Harry Truman's MJ-12 group of insiders monitoring E. T. interactions with Earth. Another member of the ASC was General Douglas MacArthur, who made statements in the 1960s about anticipating planetary wars. Also on the ASC Board with Frawley was James Jesus Angleton, head of CIA counterintelligence from 1954 to 1975. Frawley was also a member of the Knights of Malta whose members over the past decades have included CIA managers such as William Casey, John McCone, George Bush, Sr., and Wild Bill Donovan. Theatrical release poster © 1980 by Sunn Classic Pictures, Inc. To view movie, see Websites below.
Sunn Classic Pictures, Inc. established in 1970 by Schick Safety Razor Co, produced and released Hangar 18
Sunn Classic Pictures, Inc. established in 1970 by Schick Safety Razor Co, produced and released Hangar 18.

February 1, 2013  Reigate, Surrey, England - Since 2008, I have interviewed U. K. independent scholar Robbie Graham, 31, about his research into probable CIA manipulation of Hollywood productions about UFOs, including The Day the Earth Stood Still first released in 1951, and later in 1980, the Sunn Classic Pictures production and release of Hangar 18.


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