Micro-Biologist Uses Reddit to Share Hidden Truths About Grey Exo-Biospheric-Organisms.

“The EBOs are morphologically very similar to the grey aliens that are part of modern folklore. … (but) the grey skin … is in fact a biosynthetic film which likely serves to protect the EBO from a hostile environment. …Under the grey film, the epidermis is rather white … without any hair. …Smell of burnt hair and ammonia is present when the grey film covering is removed.”

— Anonymous Reddit User first posted Wednesday night, July 5, 2023


July 7, 2023  Albuquerque, New Mexico –  On Wednesday evening, July 5, 2023,  my Earthfiles YouTube Channel podcast interview was with author Whitley Strieber about his latest book entitled Them.  I first met Whitley in the summer of 1986 in Accord, New York, when he was working on his first book about non-human entities entitled Communion, A True Story.

We met at the Strieber family cabin about 100 miles north of Manhattan. I was introduced there by a New Jersey scientist, who had been abducted from a moving car on the New Jersey Turnpike a few months before. Both the scientist and Whitley were describing the same type of non-human beings in their experiences:  “Greys” in the four to five foot high range with large, solid black slanted eyes dominating the  upper half of the head above a small nose of mostly two small holes, a straight line slit for a mouth in a small jaw angled down to a point in some entities and U-shaped in others.

Accord, New York, is about 100 miles north of New York City.
Accord, New York, is about 100 miles north of New York City.
Communion: A True Story © by Whitley Strieber released in February 1987.


















By February 1987, Communion was published with a cover that is perhaps the most famous non-human face of all time that provoked people all over the world to start telling their own secret experiences with similar non-human beings.

In a strange cycle of time,  thirty-six years later on Wednesday evening July 5, 2023, I produced and hosted one of my weekly Earthfiles YouTube Channel podcasts and the guest interview was with Whitley Strieber about his new book Them  and the subject is yet again the “Greys.”   At the end of the anonymous Reddit User’s extraordinarily important report immediately below, I have also posted a 2006 Earthfiles report about skin-thin, grey-colored body suits encountered by surgeons with scalpels at Wright-Patterson AFB trying to do autopsies on alien grey beings in the late 1940s.


Anonymous Reddit User  — Posted Wednesday Night, July 5, 2023, the following: 

Reddit link: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/14rp7w9/from_the_late_2000s_to_the_mid2010s_i_worked_as_a/


Fort Detrick and another major government lab working on EBOs, Battelle National Biodefense Agency, are both about 45 miles northwest of Washington, D. C. in the Frederick, Maryland, region.




Illustration of three “grey” non-human entities on the cover of Them © 2023 by writer Whitley Strieber. He was first abducted by similar beings in 1985. Two years later in February 1987, he released his first book about these and another type of alien being entitled Communion, A True Story. That cover provoked people around the world to come forward with their own secret encounters with similar non-humans.



Fort Detrick and another major government lab working on EBOs, Battelle National Biodefense Agency, are both about 45 miles northwest of Washington, D. C. in the Frederick, Maryland, region.


— Also See This Earthfiles Report about the grey-colored skin-thin body suits encountered in Wright-Patterson AFB Surgery:

1940s USAF Flight Surgeon’s Account of Grey E. T. Autopsy

1940s USAF Flight Surgeon’s Account of E. T. Autopsy

—  Original Reddit Link to July 5, 2023, Anonymous Micro-Biologist, Ph.D. About EBOs:

From the late 2000s to the mid-2010s, I worked as a molecular biologist for a national security contractor in a program to study Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO). I will share with you a lot of information on this subject. Feel free to ask questions or ask for clarification
by inaliens

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