“All ten missiles in ECHO Flight at Malmstrom lost strat alert within ten seconds of each other. ... The fact that no apparent reason for the loss of ten missiles can be readily identified is cause for grave concern to this headquarters.”
- Strategic Air Command to Hill AFB, March 17, 1967
October 26, 2010 Update: 50 ICBMs At Warren AFB Temporarily Offline.
“We've never had something as big as this happen ... we've never lost complete command and control and functionality of 50 ICBMs.”
- Military officer briefed on October 23, 2010
When 50 intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles went offline on Saturday morning, October 23, 2010, at Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming, two men immediately notified were Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Michael Mullen and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. President Barack Obama was debriefed this morning. The Atlantic.com reports that engineers believe, but are not certain, that “the Launch Control Center computer began to ‘ping’ out of sequence, resulting in a surge of ‘noise’ through the system. The LCCs interrogate each missile in sequence, so if they begin to send signals out when they're not supposed to, receivers on the missiles themselves will notice and send out error codes.” The increasing error messages provoked a decision to shut down for about an hour the five LCCs containing 50 missiles. The cause of the failure remains unknown. See: The Atlantic.com.
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