“The police and the RSPCA told my mum and dad outside that my horse, Sammy, had been mutilated and that's the word they used.”
- Tanya Ingram, Owner, 3rd mutilated horse, Holsworthy, Devon, England
1st U. K. horse mutilation, found January 5, 2012: 7-year-old chestnut-colored stallion, Barney, found Thursday, January 5, 2012, in pasture near Whitland, Carmathenshire, Wales, by owner Linda Vickerage. Contrary to first media “bloodbath” reports, Linda says the only blood was a trickle coming from one eye socket and a small stomach area. Both of the stallion's eyes had been excised,there was a long cut in the stomach, the upper half of an ear had been cut off and his genitals removed. The next night, on Friday, January 6, the mutilator/s returned and removed the half ear down to the scalp leaving a 6-inch oval hide deep.
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