Did A UFO Blow Up NASA’s Ranger 3?

“An unidentified spacecraft came toward Ranger 3 at twice Ranger 3's speed,
blew Ranger 3 to smithereens and then proceeded away at 10,000 mph.”

- Retired NASA JPL Flight Controller

“Avoid negative public reaction.”

- U. S. Government Policy of Denials
about UFO-Related Events

Ranger 3 was NASA's first attempt on January 26, 1962, to have a spacecraft do close-up images of the lunar surface. The official NASA story is that Ranger 3 suffered “a series of malfunctions, principally with the spacecraft's guidance system that sent the spacecraft hurtling past the moon at much higher speeds than planned.” A retired NASA JPL Flight Controller said that is a cover story made up to cover the UFO attack on Ranger 3. Image by NASA JPL.
Ranger 3 was NASA's first attempt on January 26, 1962, to have a spacecraft do close-up images of the lunar surface. The official NASA story is that Ranger 3 suffered “a series of malfunctions, principally with the spacecraft's guidance system that sent the spacecraft hurtling past the moon at much higher speeds than planned.” A retired NASA JPL Flight Controller said that is a cover story made up to cover the UFO attack on Ranger 3. Image by NASA JPL.


December 22, 2017   Denver, Colorado -Fifty-five years ago on January 26, 1962, the United States attempted its first effort to launch a Ranger 3 spacecraft toward the moon with the goal to study radar reflectivity of the lunar surface. Ranger 3 was also expected to transmit pictures of the moon in the last 10 minutes before deliberately  smashing onto the lunar ground, an impact that would be studied with a seismometer dropped before impact.


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